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Yes.  Prospective members can attend one meeting to see if LWCN is for them.  To further reduce your risk, we offer a 15-day, full money back guarantee in case you find that LWCN isn't the right Community for you.

  What are the terms of the 15-day Money Back Guarantee?

During the first 15 calendar days from the date when a new member signs his or her Membership Agreement, and provided that new member has attended at least one Group meeting and followed the Community's Code of Conduct (see What's Expected of Members), we offer a full money back guarantee of that member’s dues.

If you come to Lee Eisenstaedt, LWCN's Founder, within five calendar days of your first 15 calendar days of membership, and tell him “Lee, this just did not work out for me the way that I had hoped and I'm not getting the value from it that I expected” ... we will refund to your credit card (or to the card of whomever paid your dues) the full amount of your paid dues, terminate your membership with our thanks, and wish you well. While an explanation would be appreciated, it is not required. If you follow these guidelines, we have no doubt that this conversation will never be necessary.  Please note there are no pro-rata refunds of dues after the 15 day money back guarantee offer expires.

  When does my one-year membership begin?

Your membership begins upon the date of your signed Membership Agreement (your "anniversary date"). Your membership runs for 12 consecutive months.  It is fully refundable up until 15 calendar days after the date you signed your Membership Agreement.  See more on this below.

  What forms of payment does LWCN accept?

To reduce complexity and keep administrative costs to a minimum, the only form of payment LWCN accepts is a credit card.  We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express.

  Does LWCN allow members to pay their annual membership dues on a monthly or  quarterly basis?

Again, to reduce complexity and to keep administrative costs to a minimum, LWCN does not offer any payment plans for membership dues.  By using your credit card,  you can create a personal payment plan that's the best fit with your situation. The annual payment is also an indicator of a member's commitment to him/herself and the Community.

  CAN I guest at Other Groups?


  If I join LWCN, can I be a member of other networking communities?

Absolutely!  We want LWCN to be a complement to your other networking activities.  We don't see being a member of LWCN as being competitive with both your objectives and ours.  In fact, the only way we can continuously improve LWCN is by encouraging you to share with us your first-hand experiences with other communities; both the positive and negative.

  When I cannot attend a meeting, can i send a delegate or representative in my place?

No, because our purpose is to promote connectivity and enduring relationships among members, it's essential that you attend each of the scheduled meetings.  The success of the Community, Groups, and members is dependent on and proportional to the commitment of each member.

Please keep in mind how our Membership Agreement includes that you must attend two out of three Group meetings during a rolling three-month period.  Miss more than one meeting during a three-month period and your membership may be cancelled, with only half of your remaining pro-rated annual membership fees being refunded.

  Will I be the only member in my group with my expertise? 

Members with the same expertise can be in the same Group when they are separated by at least 90 miles or one time zone.  We will limit the number of members with the same expertise in a Group to three.

  am i required to take all of the self-assessments that are made available to members?

No, it's entirely up to you to decide which of the self-assessments you want to take.  How much of the results you share with others is also entirely up to you.  We have found that taking the self-assessments will help you identify leadership land mines and blind spots, that if not addressed, could reduce your impact or even derail your career.  Sharing the results with other members builds trust and more enduring relationships.

 How long are the monthly meetings?

Groups meet once a month for 85 minutes.

 Who facilitates the meetings?

Each Group is facilitated by a Host.  The Hosts are members of your Group who are responsible for:

  • Preparing the meeting's agenda
  • Ensuring the meetings start and end on time
  • Making sure everyone feels welcome and comfortable participating in conversations
  • Making sure everyone has an opportunity to make contributions during meetings

 What if there is someone in my Group that I don't want to be with?

We cannot accommodate requests to move members from their assigned Group to another.  Why?  First, the members of the Groups are together for just six months.  Second, there has to be another member willing to be reassigned.  Third, by the time we figure this out, at least one or two Group meetings will be behind us.  Fourth, while one request may seem reasonable, you can imagine what happens when two, three or more members want to do the same thing.

We suggest using this as an opportunity to strengthen your emotional intelligence muscles and learn about each other's preferences and tendencies.  You may discover that the reason you can't be with the other person is not based on facts or is the result of a true misunderstanding, in which case, that person may become one of your most trusted connections

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+1 (262) 412-4710

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© 2022 Leading With Courage Network

680 N. Lake Shore Drive

Suite #709

Chicago, IL  60611

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