It's very simple: we want to move leaders from "meets to exceeds" expectations.
The idea of Leading With Courage Network was born in the middle of the pandemic, when networking groups and their meetings were forced to be virtual. Lee Eisenstaedt, the founder of Leading With Courage Network, noticed two things:
As the restrictions eased, Lee noticed something else: We preferred a mix of virtual and face-to-face meetings.
We found ourselves intrigued by the possibilities of helping more people as the superficial walls of geography came down.
Lee started asking a lot of questions including:
Could we design and deliver a leadership training program that let's leaders grow beyond their expectations and those of their people, superiors, and organizations? Do we need to provide training exclusively on where we are physically located? Networking can get stale, especially when meeting the same people each month. How can we keep it fresh and productive?- Could we use emotional intelligence, Everything DiSC and other self-assessments to provide members with insights about themselves that help them build stronger, more enduring relationships?
Could we create a space where members can feel comfortable talking about tough topics like vaccine mandates, climate change, immigration, employee performance issues, and DEI?
Our world is constantly changing and our Next Level Leadership Program is intended to fit into your life. Not the other way around.